€9 instead of €109 for an Online Cooking with Kids Course from International Open Academy – save 92%

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Online course: Join this Online Cooking with Kids Course and spice up their skills, stir their curiosity, and bake some mouth-watering memories! Modules: Learn six modules including: Secrets of Successful Parenting, Kids' Nutrition, fun kid-favourites like Slimy Foods, Deli Treats with Veggies, and much more. Learning outcomes: You will be able to ignite your child's passion for cooking, foster a love for healthy ingredients, expand their culinary skills, and create lasting memories together in the kitchen. Access: Study online at the convenience of your home, from any device, with 24/7 access to the course materials. Perfect for: Parents or nannies who are constantly battling with their children to eat healthy and kids who want to learn cooking will benefit from the course. Certification: Pass module exams to receive a globally recognized proof of completion and validation of your skills. Additional certification and transcript options are available to further enhance your market value. Accreditation: This course is accredited by the International Council for Online Education Standards (ICOES) and Continued Professional Development (CPD) body in the UK.

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