£104 instead of £200 for a skin booster treatment at Lakeview Aesthetic, Newry – save 48mms%

This deal is: Original price was: €200.00.Current price is: €104.00. Buy Now
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Dermal Filler: A dermal filler product containing a unique combination of hyaluronic acid (HA) and glycerol, designed to improve hydration, elasticity and firmness of the skin and to address the appearance of fine lines. Treatment: It is applied via injections over 3 sessions, working beneath the skin to provide hydration but can also be used to reduce the appearance of fine lines. Professional staff: All treatments are carried out by fully qualified advanced aesthetic practitioners. Lakeview Aesthetic: Experts in the art of perfecting facial geometry and non-surgical injectables; you will be in very safe hands and will have a consultation before going under the needle. Locatoin: Lakeview Aesthetics is located in Newry. Valid: Mon - Sat, 9am - 9pm.

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