€38 instead of €75 for a 60-minute HydraFacial at Revive One Stop Studio, Limerick – save 49%

This deal is: Original price was: €75.00.Current price is: €38.00. Buy Now
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Treatment: Hydrafacial works to deep-clean, exfoliate, and hydrate your skin. This professional procedure may help treat a variety of skin conditions, including acne, dryness, and wrinkles. Session: The treatment lasts one hour and leaves your skin feeling amazing! Results: The Hydrafacial is said to help improve overall skin texture, tone, and appearance. This is due to the deep exfoliation that cleans your pores, removing debris. Perfect for: Anyone looking to rejuvenate their skin. Location: Located in the tranquil clinic in Limerick. Valid: Tue-Fri, 10am-5pm; Sat, 11am-4pm.

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